
  • Founder, RYT 200, Reiki Level 2

    Someone once gave me the advice to only teach what has transformed you. Teaching yoga definitely sparks a fire in me, but it’s being a student of yoga that truly transforms me. So that is what I hope to do for others: create space for them to learn and be transformed by the power and principles of yoga.

Meet the founders.

Hey! We’re Sam (left) and Alexis (right). We brought Soulflower Yoga & Wellness to life to create a safe space to hold yoga and movement classes, support spiritual health, offer wellness services and bring community together.

  • Founder, RYT 200, Reiki Level 2, Sound Healing & Energy Medicine Practitioner

    Everything we do is infused with the energy that we do it with. Through the practice of yoga, meditation, breath work, energy and sound healing I became a healthier and happier version of myself. I had found my spark, my light and my passion. Sharing this recipe for a happy and healthy life is my passion.